Acupuncture has been around for thousands of years for one simple reason, because it works! Your body’s self-healing abilities are stimulated by inserting fine, single-use, sterilized needles into areas of the body that correlate with nerve and electrical pathways. Modern medical studies have confirmed that acupuncture can release natural pain killers, decrease the sensation of pain by affecting brain function, increase circulation to speed healing, and place the body in a relaxed state to aid in both mental and physical healing. Dr. Wright is an experienced acupuncturist who has been providing this treatment since 1996. He has had success treating a myriad of conditions from chronic pain to upper respiratory, digestive, and anxiety issues. Dr. Wright has also had success helping many people with smoking cessation and weight loss through acupuncture. Even infants and children can be treated utilizing completely painless laser stimulation of acupuncture points.